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Farewell meeting of the Ambassador of Georgia at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates

Farewell meeting of the Ambassador of Georgia at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates

On December 5, 2023, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Georgia, Mr. Paata Kalandadze, held a farewell meeting at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the UAE, where he was hosted by the Minister of State of the United Arab Emirates, Mr. Ahmed Ali Al Sayegh. At the meeting, the parties noted with pleasure the growing cooperation between the two countries. Both sides confirmed that the deepening of bilateral cooperation between Georgia and the Emirates has great prospects.

Delegation of the Ministry of Defense of Georgia in the United Arab Emirates

Delegation of the Ministry of Defense of Georgia in the United Arab Emirates

The delegation of the Ministry of Defense of Georgia takes part in the large international event "Dubai Airshow 2023", which takes place in Dubai on November 13-17, 2023. The opening ceremony of the event was attended by the head of the Georgian delegation, the Deputy Commander of the Aviation and Air Defense of the Georgian Defense Forces, Colonel, Mr. Avtandil Ioseliani, and the Senior Counsellor of the Embassy of Georgia in the United Arab Emirates, Mr. Bezhan Shonia.

The State Academic Song and Dance Ensemble "Abkhazia" debuts in the United Arab Emirates

The State Academic Song and Dance Ensemble "Abkhazia" debuts in the United Arab Emirates

On, November 2, 2023, the first concert of the State Academic Song and Dance Ensemble "Abkhazia" was held in "Zabeel" Theater of Dubai. This celebration of Georgian national culture was held in the United Arab Emirates with great success.

Today is the professional day of Georgian diplomats!

Today is the professional day of Georgian diplomats!

Today is the professional day of Georgian diplomats!

Vazha Margvelashvili is the winner of the Abu Dhabi Grand Slam

Vazha Margvelashvili is the winner of the Abu Dhabi Grand Slam

On October 24-26, 2023, the Judo Grand Slam was held in Abu Dhabi, where the Georgian judoka Vazha Margvelashvili won the gold medal in the weight category up to 66 kg. On behalf of the Embassy of Georgia in the United Arab Emirates, we heartily congratulate Vazha and all of Georgia on this success.

Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) was signed between Georgia and the United Arab Emirates

Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) was signed between Georgia and the United Arab Emirates

On October 10, 2023, a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement between Georgia and the United Arab Emirates was signed in Dubai. The mentioned agreement was signed by the Vice Prime Minister, Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia, H.E. Mr. Levan Davitashvili and by the Minister of State for Foreign Trade of the Emirates, H.E. Dr. Thani bin Ahmed Zeyud. The Prime Minister of Georgia, H.E. Irakli Gharibashvili and the Vice President and the Prime Minister of the UAE, the Ruler of Dubai, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum participated in the signing ceremony remotely.

The 30th Anniversary of the fall of Sokhumi

The 30th Anniversary of the fall of Sokhumi

Today marks 30 years since the fall of Sokhumi (capital of Abkhazia, Georgia). In connection with this date and in order to honor those who died in the war in Abkhazia, in accordance with the Decree N. 1706 of the Georgian Government dated by September 26, 2023, the State Flags of Georgia will be on half-mast on all administrative buildings in the entire territory of Georgia.

Attention citizens!

Attention citizens!

In connection with the religious holiday "Prophet Mohammed’s PBUH birthday” in the Emirates on September 29, 2023, the Embassy of Georgia in Abu Dhabi will be closed. The Embassy will resume work as usual from October 2, 2023.

Meeting of the Ambassador of Georgia with the Prosecutor General of the United Arab Emirates

Meeting of the Ambassador of Georgia with the Prosecutor General of the United Arab Emirates

On September 12, 2023, the Ambassador of Georgia, Mr. P. Kalandadze was hosted by the General Prosecutor of the Emirates Dr. Hamad Saif Al Shamsi. At the meeting the parties, in order to develop the legal system of the two countries, discussed the issues of establishing cooperation through mutual exchange of experience and knowledge.

 Georgian State Flags will be lowered in Georgia on August 7-8

Georgian State Flags will be lowered in Georgia on August 7-8

The Government of Georgia by the decree number 1398 of August 4, 2023 announced August 7, 2023 as a day of mourning in honor of the memory of those who died as a result of the natural disaster that occurred on August 3, 2023 in Oni Municipality, Shovi resort. The state flags of Georgia will be lowered at half-mast on the entire territory of Georgia on August 8, 2023. Also, in accordance with the Decree No.1399 (August 4, 2023) of the Government of Georgia, as a sign of honoring the memory of those who died as a result of the large-scale military intervention carried out by the Russian Federation in Georgia for the illegal occupation of the Abkhazia and Tskhinvali regions of Georgia, on August 8, 2023, the State Flags of Georgia will be lowered at half-mast on the buildings of administrative bodies throughout the territory of Georgia. On August 7-8, 2023, the State Flag also will be lowered at half-mast at the premises of the Embassy of Georgia in Abu Dhabi. Embassy of Georgia in Abu Dhabi expresses its deepest sorrow over the loss of citizens as a result of the natural disaster in Shovi resort and offers its condolences to the family members of the deceased. The Embassy of Georgia pays tribute to the memory of those who died as a result of the military intervention carried out by the Russian Federation for the illegal occupation of Abkhazia and Tskhinvali regions.

of the United Arab Emirates on Eid Al Adha.  Wishing you health and prosperity

of the United Arab Emirates on Eid Al Adha. Wishing you health and prosperity

of the United Arab Emirates on Eid Al Adha. Wishing you health and prosperity

არაბთა გაერთიანებულ საამიროებში საქართველოს ელჩს უმასპინძლა საამიროების ერთერთმა ყველაზე დიდმა საინვესტიციო კომპანია „Alfa Dhabi Holding”-ის აღმასრულებელმა დირექტორმა

არაბთა გაერთიანებულ საამიროებში საქართველოს ელჩს უმასპინძლა საამიროების ერთერთმა ყველაზე დიდმა საინვესტიციო კომპანია „Alfa Dhabi Holding”-ის აღმასრულებელმა დირექტორმა

ა.წ. 7 ივნისს, არაბთა გაერთიანებულ საამიროებში საქართველოს ელჩს უმასპინძლა საამიროების ერთერთმა ყველაზე დიდმა საინვესტიციო კომპანია „Alfa Dhabi Holding”-ის აღმასრულებელმა დირექტორმა, ბატონმა ჰამად ალ ამერიმ. ხაზგასასმელია, რომ აღნიშნული კომპანიის საქმიანობა უტოლდება 74 მილიარდ ამერიკულ დოლარს. შეხვედრაზე, მხარეებმა განიხილეს საქართველოში საინვესტიციო შესაძლებლობები. ამ თვალსაზრისით, ბატონმა ელჩმა მასპინძელს მიაწოდა სრული ინფორმაცია, საქართველოში ხსენებული კომპანიის ინვესტიციებთან დაკავშირებით არსებული შესაძლებლობების შესახებ. მხარეები შეთანხმდნენ თანამშრომლობასთან დაკავშირებით საქმიანი კომუნიკაციის დამყარების თაობაზე.